Kaat Benahid, Derb Ouali 18, 40000 Marrakech Medina
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Jeeves Hats

A few years back we found these Jeeves hanging lights at Maison & Objet in Paris.
They were designed by Jake Phipps and are edited by the UK based company Innermost.

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The traditional handmade copper pan

Visit the souk and hund a rare item, the traditional handmade copper pan. Forgotten in grandmother’s kitchen this copper pan makes the best stews.

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The red turkish tarboosh in Olmassi Junior suite

The red turkish tarboosh, a unexpected found. We came across this bright RED tarboosh while wandering in the medina, where you always find something unexpected. Definitely not moroccan, most probably turkish but so oriental and so good looking. We could not resist… If you stay in our Olmassi Junior Suite you will  find it displayed somewhere in your room. That is the beauty of Marrakesh, after so many years you still find little treasures. That is also how the interior design of Dar Kawa evolves all the time.

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Topolina, vintage patterns, colors and prints

Isabelle Topolina has a true love for color and prints, measured eccentricity, vintage cuts. Designs with taste and fantasy … That’s what it feels like when pushing the door of Topolina.

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Copper Artishok by Marion Giorgi

Sometimes, Valerie Barkowski invites a student to stay in Dar Kawa. These encounters, can, give birth to unexpected series of images or stories. Here Marion Giorgi, a textile designer who graduated from ESAA Duperré – Paris in 2011, has spent a month in Dar Kawa, it was in january 2014.

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The tattooed Babouche

The tattooed baboosh is 100% handmade, hand painted, hand stitched and made out of leather by local artisans.

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